domingo, 19 de julio de 2015

JULIAN'S TREATMENT - A time before this (1970)

John Dover................Bajo
Jack Drummond..........Batería
Cathy Pruden.............Voz
Julian Jay Savarin.......Teclados y voz
Del Watkins...............Guitarra y flauta

1ª cara:
- First oracle
- The coming of the mule
- Phantom City
- The black tower
- Alda, Dark lady of the outer worlds
- Altarra, Princess of the blue women
2ª cara:
- Second oracle
- Twin suns of centauri
- Alkon, Planet of centauri
- The terran
- Fourth from the sun
- Strange things
- A time before this

Julian Jay Savarin, hombre culto y polifacético es el artífice de este proyecto, en el que asume el liderazgo, y por lo tanto es el escritor ,compositor y director de una obra de corte conceptual basada en una trilogía de libros de ciencia ficción escrita precisamente por J.J. Savarin con un cierto éxito. El hecho de haber escrito esos libros hace que vaya madurando la idea de ponerle música,  y cuando lo hace las composiciones llevan tiempo siendo preparadas, por tanto se trata de un trabajo elaborado y premeditado, fruto de horas de esfuerzo.

La música y las melodías cuelgan directamente de los teclados de Julian. Sonido imbuido por capas de teclados y órgano omnipresente dominan por completo los temas uno tras otro, presentando melodías graves, duras y oscuras en unas fases y dinámicas, ágiles y accesibles en otras, transmitiéndonos los distintos momentos por los que pasa la obra literaria. Pasajes cargados de misterio, frío y fantasía rodeados de una aire viciado, acrecentado por el Hammond grave que flota siempre que puede llevando el peso de la estructura.

Álbum en la onda BRAINTICKETBRIAN AUGER  de la era de JULIE DRISCOLL incorpora al igual que ellos una voz femenina sugerente , clara y potente que se opone a la oscuridad general de la música aportando la calidez que contrarresta, estableciendo un equilibrio que se agradece. De hecho hay partes que su estrato es muy pop británico de los 60, recordando canciones del estilo de  LULU o JULIE DRISCOLL. Aunque la voz de Cathy se oye a lo largo de todo el LP, habría que calificarlo de instrumental puesto que se escuchan fragmentos extensos sin intervención vocal que le infunden de ese carácter.

La batería cuando entra en acción lo hace a través de ritmos acelerados y vivos a juego con el bajo que le sigue sin quedarse atrás, las guitarras se hacen de rogar y tardan en aparecer, cuando lo hacen su tendencia es psicodélica y blues.

En conclusión un disco concienzudo en su construcción con cambios de ritmo que nos llevan de una situación a otra, todas interesantes, labrada con buen gusto y que deja buen sabor de boca.

PUNTUACION: (De 1 a 10): 8,2

2 comentarios:

  1. Julian's Treatment was a short-lived British band around the keyboardist Julian Jay Savarin, 1970 their first and only album "A Time Before This" published. Savarin comes from Dominica (a small republic in the West Indies) and only moved the early 60s to England. Full-time he worked (and probably still does) with the writing, especially with science fiction. Inspired by the London music scene of the late 60s, he put together a band with which he wanted to take his SF themes in music. The result was "A Time Before This".

    "A story set in .. Part of our galaxy .. a story about people Whom we believe live in this galaxy .. this hidden universe .. .. told in music in words .. in sounds .. listen to it .. think about it .. enjoy it. "

    So it was on the cover of the album to read (so it is at least in the Esoteric-CD reissue of the album). In fact, it was in "A Time Before This" an expansive SF concept album (the whole was originally a double LP), a kind of in-tone set Space-Opera. It's about a man who finds himself on the planet in the star system Alpha Centauri Alkon again and encounters the mysterious Princess Altarra, the daughter of the ruler of the blue-skinned inhabitants of Alkon. Then there's the Black Alda ruler of the outer worlds, which is housed in an equally black tower.

  2. The album was released in 1970. Youngblood record label and is the work of science fiction writer Julian Jay Savarin, who assembled a group of musicians to help him record his ideas. I wonder why work so original and fascinating, which is "A Time Before This", is covered with a thick layer of dust of oblivion? "A Time Before This", originally released on two LP, it contains 52 minutes of music, which is a concept album. The author of this project was Julian Jay Savarin - poet, writer and musician playing the piano. This is an extraordinary music they describe as fantasy rock`a - the action of the rock opera takes place in another, fantastic world. The music is dark and fairytale. Dominated by a powerful, majestic authority. Guitars used without exaggeration, and the guitarist often reaches for the flute, which is better suited to this music. The album she sang singer Kathy Pruden, whose voice cuts through the air. It's hard to be compared to anyone; It works well in a classic color compositions, as well as more bad ass, rock. Music, although it requires concentration, it is not difficult - there is not some crazy improvisation, focused more on melody than stunts.

    Musically, here typical Proto Progressives is offered. Voluminous, worn then flowing or afloat jumps to the front Hammond organ sounds determine events, supplemented by the rhythm section operating and sometimes violently charging electric guitar. Then there is the powerful and voluminous rare deposits on piano and from time to Watkins' flute. Bold-jazzy, psychedelic-sounding or classically sublime the music comes out of the speakers, still sounds very much like the '60s and therefore acts from today's perspective but arg dusty. In addition, quite a few British bands have worked like terrain around the same time, so you can not really be argued, would offer "A Time Before This" particularly unique or else (also from the perspective of the year 1970). Particularly the musical resources over the rather long duration of the disc does not change. Nevertheless, all this is very well done, certainly has atmosphere and offers detailed design and variable instrumentation. Those who appreciate the classic electric organ sounds of the late 60s and early 70s and has a soft spot sweeping concept stories, which will be of "A Time Before This" not disappointed for sure! The album made a huge impression on me, and perhaps the only music barbarians can go unnoticed! For many years he was not available, and prepared by the Esoteric label re-release has been remastered and appears in the original layout. Savarin was playing with a new band (including Anna Meek of Catapilla and Roger Odell by CMU), a continuation learned this album the way with Savarins 1973 published solo album "Waiters on the Dance". Thereafter, he devoted himself exclusively to writing clearly. :)


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